We toured the Lougheed House with my Mom and niece (high five free day!). It's a fancy, old house and it's pretty amazing. The gardens are especially jaw dropping!

Any chance we get to hike with the Larsens, we always take it! We hiked with them in Kananaskis and had a great time! We left Maeve at the campsite with my niece, Cora, and the rest of us trooped up to the top. It was a pretty good up climb and the kids did great overall! We lunched in a mossy meadow sheltered from the wind and it was perfection.

My birthday dress tradition is still going strong. Sometimes, I'm really surprised that my big girls still want me to make them dresses for their birthdays! But they absolutely love it! Holly helped pick out the fabric (from a few choices I had curated) and she chose between two patterns. She really likes this dress and it's super cute on her!

While we were in Calgary, we celebrated Holly's birthday. French Toast. Presents. Playing at a cool downtown park that wasn't as fun as I had hoped. Ice cream cake with family.

It's hard to believe that I've been a mother for 10 years, but it's true! I love my Holly bear!

We spent an afternoon at Heritage Park. It's a cute little spot and the kids loved it. Our trip did include a big rainstorm (of course!), but we made the best of it. I always leave Calgary wondering if I should buy a membership to the zoo or Heritage Park.

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