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Greta and I are studying geology for science right now and we've done a lot of fun experiments and demos together. One of them was making a volcano! I don't think I've ever done this with any of my kids and it was pretty easy and fun!

Baking cakes with my girls and giving them the all clear with frosting pretty much won me best Mom ever award.

I pressed some flowers this summer so that my girls could make flower art. And here it is!

When Holly was in kindergarten, we "raised" caterpillars. I decided to order a cup of caterpillars again this spring so that we could observe metamorphosis. Out of our 6 caterpillars, one failed to exit it's chrysalis, one came out with deformed wings, and another looked fine, but had trouble flying. So three flew away all good, no problems. Conor pointed out that the butterflies that didn't make it were nature too, but I still felt bad.

Maeve can say butterfly and it's pretty dang cute.

We just wrapped up a unit on the Water Cycle. Living in Mexico and having clean water truly limited sparked an interest in water for my girls. We did some fun little experiments and (hopefully!) learned lots!

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