One of our days in Calgary, we went to a train park in Airdrie. Our visited was interrupted by a very intense rain storm, but we got back on the trains and took a couple rides. The kids loved it! This place is run by a club of train enthusiasts and the trains are all one-eighth of their life size counterparts. It was a cute little spot.

After riding the trains, we went to Strathmore to see Gramma. We ate pizza and played and my family left early because Maeve was losing her mind. Real life!

In July, my Dad turned 60 and all my siblings turned up in Calgary to celebrate. It's not very often that we have the whole family together so it sure was fun! We spent a Saturday at Sundance Lake swimming and playing. Archer loved me, probably because I look and sound like his Mom, my sister! The kids all got along so well!

After we soaked up the beach, we went to my parents house to BBQ and eat cake. It was a pretty great day! So awesome to be all together.

We took a quick little trip out to Yahk to visit my parents. Of course the weather wasn't great, but we made the best of it! We went to the farmer's market and swam in the community pool, which is a pretty great pool! We discovered just how much Maeve loves the water. She floated around in her puddle jumper the whole time and had a bit of a fit when it was time to get out. It was lots of fun! We loved soaking up my parents for a couple of days. We wrapped up the short trip with ice cream from Two Scoop Steve's.

Catching up on the old blog!

Here are some photos from our fourth of July. We went with some friends to the parade in Liberty Lake. Not sure what I was expecting, but I can tell you, I was not expecting golf carts. The parade was about 25 minutes, all golf carts, and the kids collected so much candy! And that was that!

On the morning of our last day, after we had packed up our car, we drove to the Grove of the Patriarchs and hiked the one mile loop through the old growth forest. It was pretty cool! A good chunk of the hike is boardwalk (love) and we had to cross a suspension bridge, which is always fun. This was a lovely way to close out a very fun trip. I'm dying to get some more National Park camping trip on our calendar. I'm coming for you Zion, Glacier, Olympic, Yellowstone, Arches...

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