We spent out last couple of days in Ecuador in Quito, where it all started. We got to go to the same ward we went to for our first three Sundays. It was so much fun to go back! I think having our Spanish complimented was so gratifying! (Now I need to the discipline to continue to practice!) We got to spend a lot of time with our good friends, the Gavilánez family. We feel so blessed to have had such wonderful, amazing and memorable experiences in Ecuador. Being members of our church and being able to attend church everywhere we were was a huge blessing. I especially appreciated knowing there would be a ward family everywhere we went. 

One big lesson we learned in Ecuador was that it only takes one person, one family, one friend to make a huge difference. We didn't make a ton of friends everywhere we went, but the people who did come into our lives and cared for us made a huge impact on us. I'm so grateful to those friends who welcomed us into their lives. 

Just had to share a few more photos of the Ecuador countryside. It's so beautiful, take me back! We also got to see a lot of the countryside because google maps took us on some seriously funky routes!

We hiked to a waterfall in Otavalo, but first we got completely turned around and hiked near the waterfall but not to it. We arrived at this tourist location before it was really open and got completely turned around, but it wasn't a bad thing because where we hiked around was really, really pretty! The waterfall was also spectacular! It was a fantastic morning. Gosh, I love Ecuador. 

We went to the market in Otavalo, but for some reason I didn't take one photo! Can't believe it! I guess I had to leave with a regret. We did buy things at the market though. 

Our next stop on our tour in Otavalo was to the home of a family who wove all sorts of things such as scarves and hair wraps. They also raised cuyes (Maeve loved watching them!) and the sweetest little three year old, Ivan, with the best bowl cut, introduced us to all the cuyes and gallenas (hens) and showed us how fast he could run. He was adorable and completely melted our hearts! 

While in Otavalo, Zulay took us to a couple places of interest. One was a traditional home built 50 years ago. The elderly couple who lived in the home wove mats and baskets and fans for fires. It was such a humble dwelling and so very interesting. One of my favorite parts was listening to Zulay speak to the couple in Quechua, the indigenous language. We bought a couple of small baskets for $3 each. This was a fantastic homeschooling activity. 

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