I did a couple of my favorite Halloween crafts with Maeve. I always love to see what expressions my little ones draw for their pumpkins. This combo reminds me of when I took Maeve to the dentist last week to have her 4 bottom teeth pulled. She had an adult tooth coming in behind them and the little ones were not wiggly. Maeve was so excited and nervous, she told me, "my feelings are all mixed up."

The handprint spider with a yarn web is another favorite of mine. And Maeve's kindergarten teacher provided the pumpkin craft for the children to do at home and then take to school. I really enjoyed saving up orange items and then gluing it all together with Maeve. Creating with my kids is something I like a lot!

Here are some photos of carving pumpkins. Grandpa Tim came over to carve with us - he helped Maeve and together, they carved a pumpkin true to Maeve's original design. Enoch was into pumpkin carving, he thought removing the top was hilarious. And now he can quite confidently say, "pumpkin." I love the look of pumpkins cascading down the steps on our porch. This house is a good one!

Whoa dear, Maeve is playing soccer! She kind of likes it? I'm not really sure. She really likes if there's a snack at the end of a game and is known to cry if there isn't one. This past week, her own goal was open and it looked like she just couldn't resist kicking the ball into a goal, any goal, so she did. Watching her play is cute because I can see her mind sending signals to her body and her body responding but she's not quite in it yet so her little body is bopping around and she's taking all these quick little steps. It's been a good learning experience for her!

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's to pick pumpkins! How awesome is that? Grandpa grew a bunch of pumpkins and while the goats got some of them, there were still so many. Each of the kiddos picked at least one pumpkin to bring home and now our porch is looking very festive.

We're leaning into the baby Thor look for Ira (half pony tail) and everyone is really enjoying seeing more of his face. I know one day I'm gonna have to cut his hair, but not today!

Holly is playing softball this fall and it's so fun to see how much the team has improved! I've enjoyed going to Holly's games to watch her play. Plus her softball attire is so cute! Holly's #38.

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