Greta loves her bunny. We fondly call him "Bun-buns." Quirky little name, I know. I came up with it somehow. Anyways, Greta actually has two bunnies and for quite some time she would happily take either one of them. But then one day she stopped and only wanted the one with the biggest bald patch above the nose. And she checks to make sure we've given her the correct Bun-buns. It makes me laugh to watch Greta rub and twist his fur with her thumb and index finger. I look forward to the day Greta's old enough to have "The Velveteen Rabbit" read to her because I think she'll relate to it in a very real way. 

I love taking photos of my children sleeping. They're so peaceful and there's no sass or pushing back or not listening. It's bliss and it refreshes me to see them at peace and relaxed.


Because we're a gluten-free family and because we've been experimenting with different ways of eating, there has been a drastic reduction in bread and pasta in our home. I plan on having our family eat a little more of the gluten-free varieties, but because of the famine, if you will, my girls are even more bananas for bread and pasta. Our spaghetti dinner the other night was quite the hoot. Greta ate 5 good-sized helpings (growth spurt?) and Holly ate a pretty decent amount too! And to top it off, they both got really messy, which surprisingly doesn't happen as often as I think it should. So of course, out came the camera. And then because Holly's at that age, she started laying it on thick and getting a little more messy and a little more giggly than she would naturally. Don't you ever change baby. 


I often catch snippets of my girls doing sweet things for each other. And I breath a sigh of relief. Honestly, I love these little moments. Holly likes to baby Greta and do nice things for her and Greta is a selfish 2-year old so she likes to have Holly baby her and do nice things for her. They're a personality match-up until Greta starts scratching, pulling hair and biting. But clearly there was nothing but love happening in these photos.


"Your children will become who you are; so be who you want them to be." - Anonymous

Forever grateful Holly and Greta are my daughters.

mothers' day
mothers' day
mothers' day
mothers' day
mothers' day
mothers' day

We don't do a whole lot of crafting anymore. Recently, our schedule got crazy and crafting has taken a hit. Ultimately, crafting takes a lot of time and effort. But my girls love it! So I really want to be better at doing it... but it's hard. We barely complete our kiwi crate crafts. Pathetic I know. But a few weeks ago we did a butterfly craft that I've been meaning to do for a while. And even though it took us about a week to finally complete it (embaressing I know!), it got done! 

So the basics of this little craft is: color a coffee filter with markers, mist with water, hang to dry and then clip it in the middle with a clothespin. I know, so easy. 

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