Holly loves the whirly pop! She loves to fill it with her toys (and I mean fill it!) and turn the handle. It's a hardy little popcorn popper that's for sure. My favourite thing about it is her repeatedly telling us, "I cooking." She's so genuine and sweet and excited to be doing things she sees me do!

And I had to include this photo because this is such a classic picture. Classic for a two-year old in general and classic for Holly. She's so cute!Holly

Holly loves telling me to say cheese and pretend to take photos with the old ipod nano. She also facetimes with it. It's quite the little nano.


with flourless chocolate cake. Yum! Holly has pneumonia so I'm extra grateful the weekend is here and we can have Conor home for two whole days! Hopefully things will be looking brighter and more healthy come Monday! 

flourless chocolate cake

Recipe here. Don't overbeat your eggs like I did or the top will be crunchy. It'll still be good if you do though. And you'll still eat 3/4 of it by yourself over the coming week.

On Tuesday, we went to Manresa Beach which was nice and even though it's just a few miles north of Sunset, Sunset was better. Maybe it's the names? Either way... The BIG highlight was the dolphins doing fancy tricks! So, so exciting. Forget my girls wanting to be marine biologists, send me back to school! There must've been lots of fish because there was a ton of birds and I could see the dolphins the whole time we were there although they only did tricks the one time. Another monumental highlight was Greta sat up all by herself for extended periods of time. She had a little help via a pothole in the sand for her chubby buns, but she did it! And not always sitting on her pothole. I'm super excited by this new step because I think she'll be a billion times happier if she can sit up and watch things around her. I'm also very sad because I don't want her to grow up. I want Greta to be this way forever!

I'm worried Greta will be crawling in no time!Greta
Holly looks so big in this photo. Maybe it's because she's moping like a teenager? But seriously, Holly loves the sand!Holly

Conor and I celebrated our happy five years by getting a babysitter and heading to San Francisco. We took a boat tour around the bay and committed to returning to tourist Pier 39 again. And then we went and ate a delicious dinner at a little French restaurant called Bistro Central Parc. I've totally fallen in love with San Francisco. The colorful houses are darling! The whole thing is charming. SF makes me think of a younger, funner, hipper cousin of NYC. 

elephant seals
Alcatraz island.island
Do you see the tiny people?cargo ship
Sea Lion come to say hello.elephant seal
golden gate
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