My little Greta Elizabeth is already three months old! She's still the prettiest, sweetest baby ever. She's even starting to more consistently sleep through the night! Isn't that exciting? She coos, chats, grins herself silly, and wants to be held and loved all the time. And she is so loveable. I can hardly believe how wonderfully plump she's getting! Her eyes are different from Holly's (surprise). There's a warmth around the iris. I think and hope she'll have eyes like Conor - brown and green. If her eyes turn out blue, I'll be surprised. 

Greta- 3 months
Greta- 3 months
Greta- 3 months

Greta at 1 month and Greta at 2 months.

A month or so ago, I bought a chariot cougar 2. I use it to run with and I love it! I can't wait until Greta is big enough for a helmet and I can pull my girls around behind a bike. I plan on putting a lot of miles on our chariot!


Greta typically wears sleepers (aka pajamas). So she looks extra cute when I dress her up in "real" clothes. Unfortunately, "real" clothes seem to attract spit-up much more than sleepers. Especially her pink horse shirt. So it goes with babies.


April was a hard month. I'm glad it's over. I hope there's truth to "April showers bring May flowers." I'm ready for a new month!

Here's one of my joys. On Saturday, Holly brought 8 blocks upstairs for the little play room. She brought them up 2 by 2 and each time she ventured downstairs I was blown kisses and waved goodbye to. And then she built little towers and knocked them over laughing. The game became even more enjoyable to her when I sat down and helped build towers with her! 

Holly's blocks
Holly's blocks
Holly's blocks
Holly's blocks
Holly's blocks
Holly's blocks

I made Holly a dress for Easter, but it's too big for her. So I guess I actually made her a dress for next easter. Luckily, she had the perfect dress waiting in her closet. A dear friend made it for her and Easter was it's perfect debut! 

easter dress
easter dress
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