This year, for Memorial Day, we hit up the pool with our good friends. We ate good food, swam, dunked Holly in the water and lounged. It was a fantastic day. Don't you just looove Holly's swimsuit? It's from Janie and Jack and I adore it. What do you think of my suit? It's ultra-modest because I didn't want Holly to assist me in flashing the whole pool. I have a really cute swimsuit from JCrew that I ordered a few weeks ago. It's not the best suit to wear with a baby in tow, but I haven't been able to bring myself to return it because I like it so much. What to do, what to do! 

Holly in her suit
Holly & Conor
the feast
the gang
post-swim relaxing

I started this quilt forever ago and now it's done! I wanted to make a dark quilt that could withstand summer picnics and rowdy children. And I love it! Do you?


Supposed to be navy - you don't even want to know how long it currently takes me to edit photos!


I've been sugar free since Tuesday. It's been hard, but I'm so glad I'm doing it. I feel better already! My biggest problem is that I've been hungry almost all the time (most likely due to the 14.2 miles I ran this week), and I get really snackish. I've been eatings lots of fruit and cheese. And chewing lots of gum! Yesterday I made my favourite chocolate cupcakes and topped them with cookies'n'cream frosting (think cream cheese frosting + smashed oreos) for the Activity Day Girls. I didn't even taste the batter. I was so impressed with myself! Rumor has it they were good. I don't believe I mentioned that there's a reward for 3 weeks of no sugar. If I accomplish this goal, then I get to buy myself a matchy-matchy running outfit. Having a reward at the end is helping me to stay motivated and on course.

A note on running: Because I have to run basically what I ran this week in one continuous go, I've been pretty diligent with running. Here's how I'm doing it (another goal if you will): On Mondays, I run a mile more than what I ran the previous Monday (ie: this past Monday I ran 5.2 miles, so the next Monday I'll run 6 miles). Tuesday is a recovery run (right now about 2 miles, hopefully in the future 4-5 miles will be a recovery run). I also do ab and arm exercises. Wednesday is a rest day (ideally Holly and I would go for a walk...). On Thursday I run one mile less than what I did on Monday. Friday I run 3+ miles (once again, planning on increasing that distance with time) and do abs and arms. Saturday and Sunday are rest days. I recognize that I'm packing a lot of running into 5 days, but I just won't run on Saturday. I recognize that and have accepted it. 

Being disciplined in running and what I eat has been really empowering. I'm impressed with my body and how quickly it's gotten toned even in the slightest. I'm so glad I'm doing this. I'm physically in my prime years and I want to milk it for all it's worth! 

Adorable, right?

By the way Target, I may still shop at you, but I have not forgiven you for canceling the rest of my order which included 2 dresses that I wanted the most!

Holly and I are whaley loving whales these days. Can you blame us?

whale pjswhale pjs
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