I love this dress! Conor says it makes me look like a goddess. It was easy to sew up and it so comfortable. In total, it cost me about $12. I love it so much that I'm in the process of cutting out a second!

Goddess Dress

PS: the pattern is Cynthia Rowley's for Simplicity

For the next 3 weeks I will be sugar free. I feel addicted to the stuff, like I have to have some everyday. And I'm having trouble quitting it, so I'm going cold turkey. I think the first week or so will be hard, but I think by the end of it, I'll feel a lot better. Would anyone like to join me?

Bathtime is successful when your kids get wetter than you do.

— Dee Ann Stewart

Whew! Where on earth did May go? We're now into hot weather here in Denver and it's only gonna get hotter! We've been busy too. We're in the process of purchasing a shared-wall home. Hopefully it all goes through - we could really use more than 700 square feet. Babies come with so much stuff and we've been trying to keep everything at a minimum! 

I signed up to run a half marathon in the middle of September. Am I crazy?? So far, that commitment has provided me with more dedication to running and I've been eating a teeny bit healthier too. 

Holly competes in a demolition derby right here in our living room each day. I find myself picking up after her a little more often than I'd like. Good thing she's so stinking cute! Although some days I definitely wouldn't say no to some baby back-up. 

Getting into stuff
Shoe loving
I turn my back for 10 minutes...messy

Holly is totally a Mommy's Girl, and I love it! She always wants to know what I'm doing and to be able to see me. Since she's gotten so mobile, her favourite thing has been to sit where I'm standing; she likes to be underfoot! I've been saying, "no," to her lately (no, don't pull all the wipes out of the container; no, don't chew on that book; no, don't crawl away naked when I'm changing your diaper), but Holly is horribly disobedient. No matter how stern or serious I am, she just looks at me with a glimmer in her eyes and giggles, which of course dissolves all my seriousness and I can't help but crack and grin and perhaps laugh. Yessiree, I love my little girl!

Holly & I

Holly & I

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