Holly is pulling up to standing everywhere! A couple weeks ago Conor and I lowered her crib to it's lowest setting because she's always standing up in it! All the sudden, Holly is turbo-growing-up and it's not fair. 

Standing up!
Cutie Pie

Holly is at such a fun age. She's little miss personality and can lay it on real thick. If I could freeze time, I would definitely consider it. Holly is so happy. She's getting so good at crawling too! She crawls on her hands and knees most of the time rather than pulling herself on the her stomach. When I leave one room and go into another, Holly will squawk and then soon I'll see her little face peeking around the corner as she follows me. We have so much fun together! 

having fun

PS: the dress I'm wearing is the same as this vogue one, just a different fabric. 

Happy Friday Friends! Just thought I'd drop a line and let you all know that I'm Boutique Cafe's newest contributing editor. It's been so much fun! I posted my first review this morning on Kissaluvs Marvels One Size AIO cloth diaper. Head on over, read my review and enter the giveaway to win your very own Marvels One Size AIO! 

I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.

— Emma Goldman

I am so happy to be a mother. I love my Holly Bear. My appreciation for my Mother and Conor's Mother, Catherine, has increased every day since the birth of Holly. I look forward to the expansion of my motherhood! Being a Momma is the best! 

Holly's birth

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