Whew! What a week. Conor, Holly and I all came down with a brutal, suck-all-your-energy cold. We've been moving at half our pace and Holly's been as grumpy as she can get. Yesterday I spent at least 4.5 hours holding Holly. She needed me to fall asleep. And she has been continually waking up at night because she just can't breath as well. Poor baby. Sometime this week, I told Conor that I hadn't gotten anything done and he told me that I underestimate what I do. Conor's awesome at helping me to love each moment. He's great at reminding me that one day, Holly isn't going to want her Momma to cuddle her. 

And so I look at this week with mixed feelings. Sure it's messy up in here and my go-to outfit has been pajamas, but I've spent a lot of time cuddling with my baby who, up until a month ago, never wanted to be cuddled. So in that way, it's been a really nice and tender week.

Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.

— Oprah Winfrey

I can hardly believe it's only two and a half months until my baby's first birthday! Holly is getting so big and grown up. I'm not sure what happened or when!

These days Holly is scootching around like crazy, utilizing not only her arms, but also her knees and toes. Her first tooth finally came in yesterday. It's been a long time coming - 4 months of teething. And the second bottom tooth has yet to come in. Holly can pull herself up onto her knees and she can pull herself up to standing in her crib. Eek! She can sit up all by herself whether by pushing herself up with her arms when on her tummy or doing a hardcore sit up and sitting up from lying flat on her back. Holly has some serious ab power. She's become super cuddly and is a major Mommy's girl. She loves to lay her head on my shoulder and snuggle. Somedays Holly thinks she's too grown up for naps. But that's only because she wants to hang out with Conor and me all the time. And we just love her! 

I love this dress! It's a Vogue Tracy Reese pattern and despite being "designer" it was super easy to sew up. I actually have a second one in a different fabric and once I finish up the 3 dresses I have waiting for me, I might make another one. I love it that much. I should've made it a size smaller but I just belted it. I might make a skinny belt from the same fabric, which would make it easier to wear. I love this dress so much that I may declare it my favourite sewing pattern. 

When Holly wakes up from a nap, I often let her play in her bed for a little while. Every now and then, everything will go quiet and when I look up into the loft from the living room, I can see Holly peering down at me. As soon as I spot her she giggles and thinks she's the smartest thing ever. Conor and I joke that it's kind of creepy, but really, it's mostly cute. 

Can you spot Holly?
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