Hello folks. While I’m on my mini-vacation in Calgary, my neighbor and good friend Melanie is on a vacation that I’m coveting. To rub it in, Mel asked me to guest post on her blog, You Are My Fave. So if you want to find out a few of my favourite patterns, see my latest completed project, or a non-exclusive pile of all the things I’ve sewn piled up on my bed trot on over to my guest post.

Can’t I just freeze her at this age and keep her my little baby forever? I just love this girl!

Holly 8 Months
Holly 8 Months
Holly 8 Months
Holly 8 Months

I needed something new, without chopping all my locks off. So bangs it is. I like ‘em. Conor’s first comment was that they’re “youthful” in neither a good or bad way. Luckily, as the day progressed he liked them more. Holly first saw me with my new ‘do when I got her up post-nap and she was definitely a little bit confused. But, I think she’s cool with the change now.

Holly & I
Holly & I

Do you like the “new” me?

Yes Please!


Found here. And does anyone else have a serious case of the Mondays? Man, I’m tired, it’s gloomy outside… and it’s major housework day.

Just helping Momma cut out her patterns.

Holly and Pattern Paper
Holly and Pattern Paper
Holly and Pattern Paper
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