Siblings are so special. It's so wonderful to have this new dynamic with boys. I love my boys! I feel so lucky to witness the development of these relationships, and I hope that their bonds remain strong forever!

Whew, every night we survive feels like quite the accomplishment. Our first morning at home was really sweet. E fell in love with Ira. I had some early morning snuggles with Ira. Families are so special.

Because of Covid, the kiddos weren't able to meet Ira at the hospital. They saw him via video chat, but obviously that's just not the same as snuggling your newborn brother. When Conor and I arrived home, the kids were all farmed out. I think I took a nap before they came home! Maeve came home first and I think it was nice to let her enjoy her baby brother all on her own. It was pretty cute! When the older two and E came home it was a little hot over who got to hold Ira first. Kind of intense! There's definitely been some feelings as we've all tried to adjust to our new normal. I have to say that I'm really happy with how everyone acclimatized to having one more member of our family!

Look who's here! Our sweet baby, Treehouse, now named Ira, was born in the morning on Sunday, March 7. We're all thrilled that he's here! It was a challenging delivery and I feel really proud of myself. Ira was a little surprised to be born and his face had some bruising. We had a couple post-delivery hiccups, but everyone was fine in the end. We sure love this little guy! Having four kiddos at home made having a baby and a mom in the hospital a bit of a balancing act. Fortunately, I was able to spend only one night at the hospital and Conor was able to spend that night at home with our older children. Here are some photos of my son, Ira, from our stay at the hospital.

When you're 39 weeks pregnant and the baby you're raising is 9 months old...

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