We went strawberry picking together as a family. I'm still adjusting to wearing masks and social distancing. It feels so strange. But, we sure were glad to go to Greenbluff and pick some super yummy strawberries. They were so plump this year. My older two were so helpful and did a great job picking. I think Maeve ate strawberries the whole time except for when she was tossing a green one into the lot. Sounds age appropriate!

We bought some ice cream cones once we had gathered our haul. All in all, it was a really nice day.

We recently had a really fun day that was full of water play! First we went to Fish Lake. Holly caught a fish in her net! That was so exciting. We left Fish Lake around lunch time, just when it was starting to get busier. We ate lunch and then put on the sprinkler. And then when Conor was done work, we swam in our friend's pool. It was pretty awesome day! My goal was to tire everyone out, but I think I was the most tired at the end of it all.

S'mores as the sun sets. It doesn't get better than this!

The kiddos all had so much fun playing together on the dock. I have so many fond memories of playing in the water as a child and so it's really fun for me to see my darlings also make water memories.

Riding on and behind the boat was really fun. I don't have any photos of the Tube Wars we did because I was on the tubes with the kids playing (so much fun!). Everyone got up behind the boat at least once on something. Our friends have a really nifty thing called an EZ Ski. All the kids got up on that (some more fearless than others, Maeve loved it!) and Holly kneeboarded. Conor kneeboared and got up on one ski. I got up on one ski too, but not for very long. Oh well! It was fun to try something new!

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