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My Dad drives a bus for work and he took my girls for a spin. I didn't join them, but I did send them with the camera and here's what they came back with. They had so much fun! 

I'm so glad we thought to do this! My daughters and I met my Mom at her workplace and ate lunch with her in the atrium. It was an awesome way of sneaking in a little more Granny time. The atrium was a really fun place for my kids. They especially liked the turtles and the fish. I'll definitely be repeating this little adventure!

Everytime we are in Calgary, we always, always try to go see my Gramma. My girls love to visit her and are always so disappointed when it's time to leave. My Gramma is an expert at loving people and my girls for sure feel that love. Maeve's farewell hug to Great-Gramma was adorable - she wrapped her arms so tightly around Gramma's legs and gave a big squeeze. We love you Gramma!

While in Calgary we visited Nana and Grandpa Newton. So fun so see so much family!

My in-laws have a really beautiful garden. I couldn't help but take a few photos of my girls out there with their Nana. 

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