I don't sew as much as I would like to. I miss it. But I'm a busy Momma in this phase of my life and that's just that. But, when I do put my mind to making something, I get it made and it feels great! Greta has felt disenchanted with some of the dresses in her closet, plus she has specific tastes and some sensory issues. Together, we chose the fabric (I gave her a few choices) and pattern (again, limited choices) and I sewed this dress up for her. This is the Tinsley Dress pattern. It looks lovely on her. We had a little bit of drama (ok, a lot!) when I finished it, but I made an adjustment and it seems to be working for her. It's a cute simple dress.

Another June, another Father's Day! I enjoyed celebrating my amazing husband and father to my children. We just bought a minivan (!) so the running joke was that was his present. But really truly, I didn't give him anything. I made eggs benedict for breakfast and after church we drove out to CDA and hiked a little ways to a hidden beach. We parked ourselves there for a few hours and swam, ate and played.

Conor is a wonderful father. He's grown so much as a father, and having children to care for has played a huge part in who he has become over the years. As we embarked on Foster Care, I feel immensely grateful to have Conor as my partner.

We went one night camping, 30 minutes away from our home, at the Liberty Lake Regional Park with some friends. It was a lot of fun (and a lot of work for one night!). We got in a tiny bit of hiking and some mountain biking and very little sleep. This is the camping trip that I will always remember because I drove home with Maeve at 3:30AM because she wouldn't sleep. Blah! She's a tricky little camper. She really likes her crib at home and her space. Hoping, really hoping, that she becomes a little more flexible in the near future! Other than that big bump, we had tons of fun! The kiddos loved playing with fire and burning pine needles. My girls love camping, especially with friends!

When Holly was in kindergarten, we "raised" caterpillars. I decided to order a cup of caterpillars again this spring so that we could observe metamorphosis. Out of our 6 caterpillars, one failed to exit it's chrysalis, one came out with deformed wings, and another looked fine, but had trouble flying. So three flew away all good, no problems. Conor pointed out that the butterflies that didn't make it were nature too, but I still felt bad.

Maeve can say butterfly and it's pretty dang cute.

I couldn't resist buying these pajamas for Maeve. They are the perfect soft blue and the bunny pattern is so sweet. She loves them as much as I do!

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