One of the first things my girls did when we arrived in Calgary... Dress Ups! Maeve loves wearing this red dress and Holly wore these round glasses almost every moment of every day for the remainder of our trip. Childhood at its finest!

My girls are so fond of their cousins. They love to play with Theia. Here's a quick snapshot of all the kids together! It's so fun to see how much Maeve loves Theia (and her Quinn too!). Love these cousin bonds!

Time spent with our awesome Muirhead family when we were in Calgary last!

Earlier this month, Greta finished her soccer season. She had so much playing with her team! 

Some belated photos from Mother's Day. A day filled with ups and downs and lots of mothering! I'm so grateful for these three who call me Mom, Momma, Mommy. It's a true privilege!

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