I am 35 years old! Time is such a funny thing. Rolling into this birthday, I feel confident and excited! I have a lot of good things going for me right now and it's a thrill. Now that we have our garage gym operational, I've been able to work out with a consistency that was hard to make happen without it. I have loved that and the confidence it brings. I'm planning on growing my pottery business. I have a couple markets this year, and I'm taking a class with Terrain. It's kind of a big deal and I'm floored that I was accepted and so excited to see what comes of it! This is my year and I'm ready for it!

These two brothers watching a show together. They have their spots, they have their blanket preferences.

Little dude getting it done with a sassy face.

Spring is a little late this year... but I think she's coming. We had one last big dump of snow and took advantage of it. The snow was perfect for a showgirl. Ira and Enoch love kicking and breaking up clumps of snow, so I rolled them their own snowballs to break which also happened to be very fun to slide off of. It's been a loooong winter and I'm grateful for these happy moments.

My baby boy is two years old! The past two years have gone by so fast (and also so slow some days), and it's hard to believe we're already here. He's a big boy with no more baby hair. He has his own personality and it's an intense one. He's a momma's boy and lights up my life. He is so loved.

We celebrated Ira with friends and cake. He looooved blowing out his candles and did so a couple times before we could even start singing to him. So then I let him blow out his candles many times. Give the people what they want, am I right?

And can we just take a minute to appreciate newborn Ira??

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