Instead of dollhouses and dolls, we're all about cars and garages. I love my boys so much! And this little guy... gosh, my heart pitter patters for him on the daily. He's a joy.

I apologize in advance to my youngest children who do not get multiple photo shoots a week like their big sisters did. Starting a small business and running a household of seven is no joke and lots of things have been trimmed.

The weather is warming up and I am not complaining about these chubby little legs I get to admire all day long. Ira has fat little ankles and calves - they still look babyish and gosh I just want to eat them. The boys were initially very confused by shorts and kept trying to pull them down to their ankles. I think we've caught on now.

Easter 2023 brought us a very full table of family and dear friends. Honestly, having lots of people I love in my home makes my heart fill to bursting! This is what dreams are made of.

I'm just going to let this art speak for itself....

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