If you can believe it, we brought home a puppy! I can't really believe it still. But here we are, a family with a dog. He's a sheepadoodle (Old English Sheepdog + Poodle) and he's really sweet. He's little now, only 10 pounds, but will be about 60 pounds when he's full grown (oh my gosh, what did we do!?). Here are some pictures of the family picking him up and bringing him home.

My little man is three years old! What a sweetheart Enoch continues to be. He has a tender soul and is so observant. Enoch loves playing with his vehicle toys and reading his train book. He wants to walk everywhere and he talks so much! He's grown quite a bit in height in the last year, which we've noticed as every shirt he owns has become too short.

We gave Enoch a balance bike for his birthday and I made him a construction site cake. He loved it! We served him a slice with a couple trucks. To celebrate him, we invited family to join us for a low-key brunch - it was a really sweet day.

Just trying to snap more photos of these two guys. They love their trucks so much. And they're really starting to play so nicely together which is an absolute dream. They are so loyal to each other. When Enoch is persuading Ira to follow him, he'll say, "come on Sweetie." They're feisty and busy and active and all the things and they are my loves.

There is no other way I would've rather have spent my Mother's Day than watching my girl shred! This was the first Mountain Bike Race I was able to attend and I loved cheering for Holly. It was a hot one and Holly really felt sick starting on the first hill. After the race, she felt pretty rough! But she got 7th! I have loved watching Holly develop and passion and a drive for Mountain Biking. I'm so proud of her! She has one more race in June in Winthrop before the season closes.

We had lots of fun cheering on the middle school marching bands at the jr Lilac Parade. The littles ate SO much candy. This was our first time watching this parade and it was great!

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