We visited Parque La Carolina a second time. These crossfit zones in Quito are very popular and very much utilized. All three parks that we have visited so far have one.

Since visiting this park the first time, we went to the museum of Maria Augusta Urrutia's home. She was a very rich lady here in Quito in the early-mid 1900's. She had an especial fondness for helping children. Maria Augusta Urrutia donated the land for Parque la Carolina. 

At the base of the Teleférico is an amusement park. We spent a few dollars on rides for Holly and Greta. Maeve walked around and was adored by a nearby family. Maeve draws a lot of attention. I believe this is because 1. she's a baby and 2. she's a gringo. I now know why we received so many, "you're brave" responses to our travels to South America. I believe we are a tad unusual and I believe that's because it is difficult (so sleep deprived!). Nevertheless, we are here. And Maeve is getting all the love!

We have a ninera for Maeve 2 hours a day, and it's not uncommon for Maeve to come home with a little lipstick on her neck or the top of her head. She's just so lovable. Maeve lives true to her name, "she who intoxicates"!

I just thought it was too adorable to see Conor sit in between these two doting ladies!

Yesterday, we went to the Teleferico here in Quito. It's a cable car (gondola) ride up Pinchicha volcano. Unfortunately, we did not realize that because Maeve is less than 18 months old she could not ride, due to the quick change in elevation. Conor stayed below with Maeve while Holly, Greta and I went to the top. From the top of the cable car, a person could then hike to the summit. I would love to do that some day! It was so beautiful and a welcome change from the busy city. It felt peaceful and beautiful. I would like to see more of the parks and open spaces here in Ecuador. I really did like this and would recommend it. One day, when all our babies are older than 18 months, we will come back with a picnic and hike for a while. 

Near our apartment, is two parks. One of them, Parque El Ejido has many play structures and a zip line. The zip line was quite an exciting find and everyone has been eager to get back!

This past Tuesday, Holly, Greta and I began spanish classes at a school about a 5 minute walk from our apartment. We go for 4 hours and we will go for all of this coming week as well. I sure hope I can get a grip on Spanish. Church today was all a blur. At one point in Relief Society one of the woman began to talk about me. I believe she was telling about how I came to an activity this last week and am welcomed. I panicked a little bit wondering if I was expected to make a comment. But I think that generally it's ok that I don't speak the language well and our church community knows I'm trying to learn. Back to church being a blur today... I can pick out some words but not enough to truly understand! Conor told me that today he made a mental note of today so that in 3 months he could compare and appreciate how far he's come. Hopefully i make progress!

So the girls and I go to school... and I really do like it. It's a challenge for sure! Last week, all the students made ensalada de las fruitas. In it was: piñas, frases, naranjas, papayas, mangos, bananas, cerezas... it was so good! A very fun activity.

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