I am so glad we were able to go to the Academy of Science in Golden Gate park with my friend Kelly and her kids. It was something I really wanted to do before we moved but never got a chance to. Everything is funner with friends and I’m so grateful we could go with Kelly and her crew!

After we played at the Color Factory, we had a picnic at Dolores Park. This park has some pretty great views of San Francisco and the park itself is pretty spiffy. I loved this day. It was a perfect California day, complete with lots of traffic.

One Friday, Conor and I took the girls to Capitola beach. Capitola is such a cute little beach town. Maeve loved the sand and the water. We had a lovely day trip there and on our way home, we stopped at Gayle’s for some yummy treats!

We spent the first part of November in California, visiting old friends, some of our favorite places and we explored one or two new places. The girls and I went up to San Francisco one day and visited the Color Factory. Holly and Greta loved it and we spent a solid 2 hours there! So much fun. Too many pictures below. 

Cluade Monet wraps up our study of artists for now. I'm sure we will do more, but, for now we will take a rest. Monet was such a prolific artists and correspondingly, there are many children books written about him. We had no problems borrowing books about Monet from the library! My favorite two books about Monet are actually from the same series, Katie and the Waterlily Pond, and Katie and the Impressionists

For our art work, we painted a water scene with cotton balls, and then made water lilies once it was dry. For the second art project, we stamped with flowers, and once that dried, we scraped blue paint across to make a water scene. I'm so happy with how this turned out.

Now hopefully, I'll have the energy to move onto one or two sewing projects. 

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