Happy Halloween from two witches, one bat and two slices of pizza!


Our Greta qualified for the all city cross country meet and she did great! She took 18th out of 100 girls! I'm so proud of Greta for running this race. She was really nervous about it and had many, many feelings the night before. It was so fun to cheer on my darling girl and to watch her run! What a joy it is to discover what my daughters' strengths are!

Continuing with our art lessons, we read about Georgia O'Keeffe. I love the work of Georgia O'Keeffe. I love that she's a woman and I love that she painted what she liked. 

We read lots of library books about Georgia, my favorite was Georgia O'Keeffe in Hawaii: When Georgia O'Keeffe Painted What She Pleased. I took Holly and Greta to our local rose garden and they sketched what they wanted to paint. Later, I encouraged them to use bright paints to paint their flowers. I love how their art turned out. 

And a couple of great quotes from Georgia O'Keeffe. Trying to tie in some writing with the arts. 

"To Create one's world in any of the arts takes courage."

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for."

This is one of the things I love about homeschool. 

At the end of summer, I snapped a few family photos in our favorite park before the kiddos grew out of the outfits I had chosen for them. I love this little crew of mine, and we all know how much I love photographs! Having these three sweet girls in my life is so wonderful. So much work (Maeve waking up in the night I'm looking at you!), but really truly it's a beautiful work. And thank heavens for Conor, always by my side, encouraging me, supporting me and telling me when I stray too far into the mean person zone. These are my people. I love them.

Snapped a few photos of my crew this past Sunday. I bought Maeve a new toy in Chicago and she loves it. It's not the best toy to bring to church though - those round pieces roll away! Lesson learned.

Maeve's cheesy grin in the first picture makes my heart melt! That gummy smile is the best thing ever!

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