Better late than never... I did take these photos at the very tail end of June just before Maeve turned 7 months. She's growing and changing so fast, but she's still so petite. Maeve is still in her 3-6 month clothes. I wonder when she'll outgrow them?

Sometimes I wonder if I was truly happy before Maeve. She is the best. 

On our way up to Calgary, we stopped and spent a couple nights in Yahk with my family. It definitely was not enough time, but fortunately we are headed back up in a few weeks. I love that my girls get to run wild with my cousin's kids. I love playing in the Kootenay lake. And I love spending time with my family. It's been a lovely blessing to live closer to this little oasis.

Maeve really likes water and that dimple bum is so cute. 

One thing we always have to do in the summer is play at Sundance lake. It's such a chill, easy way to spend some great time with cousins. Cousin and family time is what my girls want the most! We felt very blessed to get a lot of it!

While in Calgary, we took advantage of the Larsen's crazy tradition of sleeping overnight downtown to save awesome spots along the Calgary Stampede route. It was really fun and memorable. But next time we won't take the train. Haha!

Maeve is a sitting up girl now! She's pretty pleased with herself, and I'm feeling sad because crawling is just around the corner and it's all going too fast!

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