Another fun summer afternoon, this time at Liberty Lake. The girls found someone to share their fishing pools and although they didn't catch any fish, they had a great time. I love summer.

We spent a fun couple of days in Lake Cocolalla with my cousin. We slept in a tent the one night we were there and we left the fly off because it was such a gorgeous weekend. Well, it started raining in the night, just as the sun was beginning to pink the sky. Conor and I quickly threw on the fly. There was thunder and lightning and a good amount of rain. A night to remember. 

This was a really fun weekend! A million thanks to Jonica and Georgia!

A fun afternoon at Fish Lake with some of our very favorite friends.

I just can't believe that Holly's 8! It was her birthday a week ago. Yesterday, she gave a primary talk and used the line, "when I was 7..." She's so old now! Birthdays are so much fun (and work!), but it makes the kids so happy to be celebrated! I love the joy of the day. We threw Holly a games night birthday party with friends. It was crazy and loud and Holly loved it! 

We really hit a home run with the gifts this year. A jean jacket and the game, sleeping queens, were a huge hit! In just less than 3 weeks Holly will be baptized. Eight is such a big milestone! 

Some Sunday photos of my little lovelies. Maeve's white dress is her blessing dress. It actually fits her now!

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