My sweet Maeve is 8 months. Today, she looked noticeably longer and bigger to me. She continues to have the sweetest temperament and makes the funniest noises. Her laugh is hilarious. She loves attention. Maeve loves Holly and Greta, although I believe I am her favorite person. Breastfeeding has been a struggle. We had some really great months until month 5 or 6 and then problems upon problems. I'm persevering - I refuse to give it up. I love nursing my baby! Maeve isn't sleeping through the night consistently and she wakes up earlier than I'd like her to so I'm Tired. But we'll get there... right??

I love this baby with all my heart! 

Three girls. It's the best. These sisters... I love watching them interact.

This past weekend we were in Yahk with my family and it was so great. My parents are great hosts and spoil us with delicious dinners and lots of fun. Holly and Greta love going to Yahk - they enjoy so much freedom there and they adore their cousins. We left knowing that we need to go to Yahk for a longer stint next summer.

Our one day at Silverwood this summer. It was a lot of fun... I kind of feel like I nursed Maeve the whole time. I forgot my swim suit (face to palm!) and that was a big bummer! But it was a fun day regardless and we look forward to going again next year. 

This may be one of my favorite days of summer so far. I felt so good and had so much fun with my girls! We hiked mineral ridge, had a picnic lunch and swam at CDA. This is who I want to be. It was a beautiful day and I'm grateful I could experience it with my three darlings.

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