Last week, I took my girls to pick peaches. Oh yum they were delicious! I love heading up to the farmlands north of Spokane for fresh produce. This was a beautiful day! We made a few batches of peach crisp with the peaches and invited friends over to share it with us. It was lovely!

This weekend was perfect to try out our new baby bike seat I found on craigslist. This was Maeve's first ride on the bike. A few times, she has ridden in the ergo on Conor's back. Maeve loved riding the bike! So many happy, funny noises! We rode through our local park and it was so fun to see people's expressions to Maeve on the bike. Now we need to find a helmet small enough for her petite noggin.

A few pics of me and Maeve taken by Holly...

One of our biggest blessings of this summer has been connecting with my cousin, Jonica (my girls call her Auntie Jonica), and spending time with her and her family (my girls adore Georgia!) at their lake place in Cocolalla. Each day we have gone has been so fun! I look up to my cousin so much and I have loved learning more about her. It's been so good!

I just love my babies at bath time. Maeve loves a good bath and she loves to splash. She keeps us all so entertained. I adore this sweet little gal.

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