I'm slowing down with Maeve... trying to enjoy her more and more. It's the slowing down that's tricky. Enjoying this sweet thing is easy!

This afternoon was beautiful and unhurried as I sat on the floor and played with Maeve. No agenda. Just play. I put a bucket on her head and laughed as she pulled it off and tried to put it back on. She thought she could put the little purple bucket on her head too. I love the discovery of this age. I love this baby. 

My darling Holly was baptized and became a member of our church on August 12, 2017. It's a pretty special thing! We feel grateful for our family and friends who joined us to celebrate and we are grateful for those who celebrated with us from afar. Wishing I had taken a few more deep breaths and enjoyed it a little more. Fortunately I can work on that for the next two baptisms in our family! 

I love Holly and her enthusiasm for life. She's so positive and loving and fun to be around! She's a really great kid and the best big sister our family could have. I'm proud of her!

We spent a week at Echo Lake, Montana with Conor's family. There was so much good in the week. Here are the highlights:

  • Playing with my nieces and nephews
  • Sitting in the lake every afternoon with Maeve
  • Skinny dipping
  • Wake surfing
  • Watching Holly knee board
  • Ripping around on Nathan's sea doo
  • Catching a minnow with Lola
  • Tubing with Josh
  • Watching relationships between my girls and their cousins grow stronger

Maeve brings us a crazy amount of joy. Everything she does is admired. We all can't get enough of her. I'm SO glad she's a part of our family. 

Some things are worth being a little late to church for... like snapping some photos of my baby in these pajamas. I bought these before she was born and I can't believe she's big enough to fit them. I love my sweet baby and I wish time would slow down!

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