Turns out, princesses like math. Moments like these that make homeschooling just about the cutest thing ever. 

I made a simple Geranium dress for Maeve earlier this month from some Heather Ross fabric I bought at least a year ago... I like it when something turns out cuter than I expected! I like these quick little projects. Maeve hasn't had a whole lot of stuff sewn for her either, so when I do sew for her I'm like, "It's not so bad being the third baby right?!"

Maeve loves our "That's not my monster book." She loves to feel the different textures. She's always scratching and finding little things to pull at with her little index finger and thumb. If you have a button on your shirt, Maeve will be very interested in it. She's fingering things almost all the time. It's so fun to have a baby in the house again. I love watching her make all her little discoveries. 

We had our first day and week of school! We are homeschooling (!!!) this year and it has been quite a journey so far. Tons of up and down, a total roller coaster. Hoping I settle into our new rhythm and find our new normal soon. Some days I can't believe I'm doing this, but I think for our family, this year it's the right choice. There are a lot of things I love about it. Just working out the kinks and the anxiety! 

Maeve obviously loves having her sisters around. I think she would find herself feeling lonely and sad without those two each day! 

Ah, nine months, three quarters of a year... It's crazy! Maeve, sweet Maeve! Here's what you should know about my darling girl:

  • Maeve has no teeth
  • Maeve isn't very mobile, I've see her roll to her tummy once to get something. Obviously she's not crawling
  • Maeve only waves to men she doesn't know
  • She's super social, likes to be included
  • Loves her baths
  • LOVES her sisters
  • She clicks her tongue all the time (so proud!)
  • Maeve reaches to be held
  • She's the best napper and night sleeper
  • Loves to breastfeed and eat
  • Circles her feet constantly
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