Last week, we received a really fun box in the mail. One of the things in it was this stuffed koala. Maeve loves it! She loves picking at all it's parts. Anything that makes this girl happy, makes the whole family happy!

Many thanks to Owen for sending our family some of his favorite things from his childhood!

Until now, Maeve has been riding the bike without a helmet. I picked one up this week and it's a bit big (Maeve is so petite!), but I'm sure it's better than no helmet at all. I was worried she wouldn't like it. Maeve loves riding the bike and I really don't want anything to ruin that magic. But, with our praise and cooing, she seemed pretty pleased with her new thing to lick. That photo where she isn't looking straight at the camera, but still smiling? That's Maeve making eyes at her Papa.

It's no secret that we are homeschooling this year. It has so far been a big roller coaster and rather exhausting, but in it I have found so much joy. It has felt like coming home. I love having a platform and time to do things with my daughters that I want to do. I love reading to them, learning with them and discussing topics like self control. We all really enjoyed art this week. We read books about Henri Matisse and made paper cut-out art. 

The books we read (each more than once!) are:

  • Matisse the king of color by Laurence Anholt
  • Colorful Dreamer the story of Artist Henri Matisse by Marjorie Blain Parker
  • A Bird or Two by Bijou Le Tord
  • The Iridescence of Birds by Patricia MacLachlan

I had the girls copy out a couple of his quotes:

"Creativity takes courage." And, "There are always flowers for those who want to see them." Another good one is, "What I had to do, I did the best I could." And the last one that has stuck with me is, "My mother loved everything I did."

I got the idea for this project from the book, Playful Learning. We have three more artists to read about and mimic. I'm excited about this!

Greta had her first soccer game of the season! It's so fun to watch her play. The poor girl had a very structured and active week with cross country, bikes rides, soccer practice and a morning run with Conor and Holly. By the end of the week her legs were so sore, but she did great! I love watching her run around. She loves to play and does a great job pushing herself. 

I spent a little bit of time sewing and gave Maeve a strip of fabric to play with. Baby heaven! Made my momma heart so proud and reminded me of Holly eating patterns

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