Babies are just so precious - the best little things! I recently photographed a brand new baby boy and his 2 year old sister. I just know they'll get into all sorts of adventures together. Baby boy was the sweetest thing - dark hair and pouty lips. I so enjoyed taking these photos. I hope you like them!

I've had the fabric to make this dress for a couple of months, or I thought I did. I didn't realize the main fabric is a knit... I went to cut it out last month and I didn't have the right fabric. Not really a big deal. I used a plain navy blue knit and a bunch of pieces from Leah Duncan's Meadow collection. The pattern is Figgy's Stellar Dress, and I cut it out in an 8/9 length, which was barely just right... Holly will need to wear leggings under it in about 1-2 months. Sewing with woven and knits combined really intimidated me, but the instructions were clear and I didn't have any problems. I like that the dress has some personality and I liked using all the different prints. It seems to be a comfy dress for Holly - she was riding her bike and running around in it. I think it's a success...

I've had my eye on this Lion print from Cotton and Steel for a while, and when Gail from Probably Actually made a dress out of this print, I knew I had to follow suit. It's such a darling print - so much fun. Holly got an Oliver + S rollerskate dress out of it. And she likes it! I've stopped sewing for Greta. I'm not a big fan of making things she won't wear, so I'm taking a short break until she shows interest again. It lightens my sewing (self-placed) load. Until Greta is ready to wear what I make her (I think she needs more pink items sewn for her...), it's all for the daughter that wears and appreciates what I make. Holly's been through her phase of disinterest too, so I'm confident with a little bit of space and the right fabrics I'll have Greta back on board.

Anyways... here's some pictures of Holly in her dress...

These photos of Greta sleeping represent all 3 of us girls. Kindergarten is hard! Greta fell asleep this afternoon while I was reading to her and Holly and she would not wake up! We've begun putting the girls to bed ridiculously early because they are zombies in the morning and it's so sad telling a tired little girl to hurry up. I'm tired too. Hoping that the transition clicks soon. I want our summer days back...

First off, I am so grateful that Greta has such a great Joy School group this year. This time last year when I was trying to get one put together and it just wasn't working, I prayed my heart out that everything will be okay. I so desperately wanted to give Greta the amazing experience Holly had with her two years of Joy School. And here I am starting the 2014-2015 year with the best bunch of women!

Greta is excited and ready to go. She has been waiting impatiently for this day! I'm so excited for the children to become best friends and I'm looking forward to teaching them. I plan on pouring my heart and soul into Joy School this year because it's my last foreseeable year. I feel so grateful that I get to do this with Greta.

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