After we left the county park that we took our first batch of family photos, we drove the streets of some new builds that were right there. Then we came across this prickly, golden field nestled up to the east hills. I knew I would regret it if I didn't make everyone jump out for just a few more photos... so we jumped out and I'm very grateful we did! What good sports my family can be!

And oh the joys of using a remote....

I'm crazy about this little family of mine. They're so precious to me. Last Sunday, I convinced everyone to hop in the car and go take some photos down in Morgan Hill. For the very small amount of time I took photos, I caught a pretty good number and no one cried! Extra bonus! I think my daughters are finally getting to the age where they realize that I'm going to take photos anyways so they might as well cooperate and get it down a little bit faster. Now to choose one to use on our Christmas card. I'm leaning towards the funny faced one.

Last week, Holly had Monday off and we went apple picking in Watsonville with friends. I love eating apples fresh off the tree! When we finally own a home, I'm going to insist on having at least one fruit tree. We picked so many apples - maybe more than we'll be able to eat. I might need to make applesauce. We sure were glad to be able to go this year! We missed out last year because the girls caught hand, foot and mouth disease. Always happy to be healthy.

More photos of our weekend in the Redwoods! After we packed up our gear, we went for a walk through the Redwoods. It took us about twice as long as it should've to do this loop, but so it goes with kids. Vigorous walking is grounds for a melt down.

Next time we go camping, I want to take my time in the morning - drink a few cups of tea and pack up at the last minute, but without feeling crunched for time. A more leisurely morning camping is on my to-do list.

It was really great to camp again in the Big Basin Redwoods. I needed to take a deep breath in nature... It wasn't quite enough time, but it'll have to do. Camping is always fun and it's gotten easier to pack all of our gear, food, etc. It's becoming a smoother process altogether and so even more enjoyable. And bonus... we had our best sleep camping ever! Yay! We're getting somewhere. And now for lots of photos...

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