Obviously, if we're going to camp at a State Beach, we're going to play on the beach lots. We spent some time there Friday night and then a big chunk of time there on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. I just love the beach! And having all those kids together - they just played and played and didn't want to stop. It was a really great trip!

For a long time, I've been envious of Moms whose children will sit and color. I am no longer in the green with envy color. A month or two ago, something changed with Holly and she very suddenly wanted to color all the time. I'm not kidding. Greta joined the revolution and is also coloring constantly. It's completely awesome. I love it! It's so fun to see what their artistic little selves come up with. And for Holly, it's really great for her to have a busy activity that she doesn't need my help with. She especially likes coloring pictures for friends and family.

Holly also loves to read. The very best day for books is the day after we've visited the library. She'll spend long spurts of times, slowly flipping through the newly borrowed books. Holly and I also love to read chapter books together. I love children's literature.

This weekend, we went camping for one night at our favorite spot with some of our favorite people. It was a lot of fun! We have this little tent that we currently fit in perfectly. There's enough room for our mats and sleeping bags and our duffle bag and then there's a tiny bit of space at the entry and that's it! I love that we all fit in there so perfectly right now.

Camping with little kids really is all about making memories and it's definitely not about getting beauty rest. We had a little friend poke her head into our tent shortly after 6am (we were all awake anyways), and then another little friend came in and it was all giggles and laughs and so much fun! A fantastic way to start the day!

It was a beautiful weekend. And Conor commented that camping is a great use of the weekend. Lots of friend and family time.

Greta drew her first recognizable person - a happy face is what she called it. It's lovely how the little things make me beam with pride. I love my Greta. She's pretty great.

My darling Greta was able to do a Joy School with a couple of friends for the last 5 months. It was a real blessing and a treat to be able to do this. Greta had so much fun and her friendships really deepened. This week she had her last class. She was so excited for it! But now she's sad and had a little pout about no more joy school (until September, but does that really mean anything to an eager 3 year old?). Her big, enthusiastic grin in the photos says it all.

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