I really thought our little man would be more into his cake than he was! He sure was happy to hop into the bath after tasting his cake. I made funfetti cake and we invited some friends over to celebrate with us. This was the first time we'd had friends in our home in forever. E liked us singing to him and I just feel overwhelmed with gratitude for his little life and that I get to be a part of it. He really is someone special.

As part of E's birthday celebration, I took all 5 kids downtown by myself! Yay me! We rode the carousel half a dozen times (I have a thing for carousels) and we checked out the new playground. Babies on carousels may be one of my favorite combinations ever. By the 4th and 5th rides, E was pretty into it!

Baby E is one! What a joy it was so celebrate him and his beautiful life so far. He's a darling child who loves to play and laugh. He's affectionate and snuggles into me when I put him in his crib and take him out. He loves to just be with us. When he crawls over to me and lays his head on my lap, my heart melts. His favorite things are the dishwasher and taking baths. If he hears water running in the bathroom he makes a beeline for the tub! E likes to be outside. My life is fuller, my heart is bigger because of this sweet boy.

At a nearby park, we came across a massive chess set. Chess has become something of an obsession for some of our family members recently so this was quite an exciting discovery. Greta and I played a round of speed chess. Girl kicked my butt!

The second little hike we did was the Weatherwax Trail, only 10 minutes away from the place we stayed at. It was a nice flat, 1.2 mile loop, with lots of big, fat mosquitos. We really tried to do bite sized activities for the kids (Maeve) on this trip and that was pretty effective!

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