Love these two to the moon and back! We're all about the boys these days. Such a weird twist after having three girls in a row!

A couple weeks ago, I dyed Maeve's hair purple. I thought I'd take advantage of that white blond while I can! I bought just a rinse out dye and while it said it would last 5-30 washes, it really only lasted just over a week. Maeve loved having purple hair for a little bit! It sure was cute and fun!

Some photos of me at 17 weeks, 3 days. I'm now at 20, weeks, 3 days and getting bigger and bigger every day! I still can't believe we're adding another little one to our family. It's so surreal. I can't wait to meet him and see what he looks like!

This week all my kiddos started school. Holly is doing Distance Learning, Greta is Homeschooling, and Maeve started Pond School. Maeve was the only kiddo who had "first day" photos taken. Maybe because she's the only one who left the house? Or maybe because she's the youngest? I dunno, you decide. What a year! We're one week in and I want everyone to go to school out of the house next year or sooner. Obviously it'll be years until all my children are in school full time. But you know, 3 out of however many kiddos we'll have at the time is not bad. Anyways, totally off topic of how cute Maeve is. Look at her! She's so cute!

I'm pretty sure my kiddos hopping into the bunny pen defeats the purpose of the bunnies having a little more space to roam... but it's cool.

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