My girls were in our church's little nativity performance. Greta was Mary, Holly was the innkeeper, and Maeve was a lamb, whose sole job was to sit still and eat pretzels by the manger. Nailed it! I love that my girls were able to do this with their friends!

While we had family in town, we celebrated Maeve's birthday. I have been so excited to give Maeve her gift - a momma bunny and three nursing baby bunnies. She loves it. This age that Maeve is at, it's so magical. (And a little emotionally charged at times!) My favorite thing she says, mostly about the baby we have in our home, is, "oh goodness." Maeve is a sweetheart with a big heart. Now if only she'd stop pooping in the tub.

Decorating the tree this year felt really calm. I love taking the ornaments out of the box and passing them to my girls to hang up. This year, I made felt mittens (free pattern) and have ambitions to make stockings too, but to say I have my hands full is an understatement! Maeve's branch full of all her ornaments is so cute! Maeve loves the Christmas tree, but she thinks the ornaments are toys. It's a tricky distinction.

This year, for a Christmas tree, we went to Greenbluff and cut a tree down at a tree farm. I've never been to a tree farm for a Christmas tree. We had original planned to cut down a tree from a national forest, but the ranger stations aren't open on the weekends this season which means I should've mailed in early for a permit. Right before we were going to drive out of town, I double checked and we regrouped and drove to Greenbluff. It was fun to pick out a tree and see it from every angle. I'm really happy with the beauty we chose!

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