A really sad thing happened this week... our awesome neighbors and good friends moved to the other side of the country! We are so sad that they are gone! We had so much fun together and this past year we did a lot of Homeschool together. We are so grateful that we got to spend 3 years living so close to them!

We spent our last days with them making some solid happy memories! Hoping we can still see each other now and then and the kids are excited to be pen pals. 

About two blocks away in Manito park is the prettiest little patch of purple Lupine flowers. I really wanted to capture some shots of my sweet daughters with them before this crazy heat withered them away. I think we made it there on one of the flower's last days, they were looking wilted. But I think I caught some okay photos anyways? Maeve wasn't too impressed with having her picture taken and she lasted about 10 seconds but I guess that's just how it goes with a little one her age. Managing expectations over here! Anyways, these three girls... they are so much work and so amazing. I love having all daughters!

Our generous friends let us come and pick as many raspberries as we could while they were on vacation last week. Not gonna lie, I was disappointed with Holly and Greta's picking skills. They ate everything they picked; they would make the worst pioneers. I would've loved to make jam, but instead we enjoyed the raspberries all fresh. Maeve ate lots and lots until they were all gone. One lunch time, I caught her making all sorts of faces. I especially love her squinting and smiling so hard face. Gosh, this baby!

A little visit to Fan Tan Alley in Victoria. 

And Maeve on Conor's shoulders...

We had a fun day playing at the beach and at a playground. It was the perfect location. The weather was still really cool when we arrived. Maeve was asleep in her carseat so I curled up on the blanket and took a little snooze myself. It felt so good! We were really happy when Nathan, Daria and their crew arrived to join us! It was a great afternoon, the perfect way to end our trip!

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