On our first day traveling to and in Victoria, we took a Ferry, were reunited with my brother and his family, ate at a carbon-neutral burger joint, and played at a park. A great first day!

My little niece, Quinn, is such a beauty. Check out those gorgeous, clear blue eyes!

I thought I would have all this time in summer because we would be on a break from school. I'm not sure if it's my time management or what, but I am still scrambling! Our house is so much less clean and tidy than it used to be but that's because we are giving way to things that I believe matter more... like picking strawberries, baking a cake from them and making jam. Or going to a movie with friends. And stopping by the neighbors house to chat and paint a section of the fence. And exercise, always my day revolves around exercise. Right now family bike rides are more important than that 7 o'clock sharp bedtime for Maeve. Make believe and reading books and playing with friends. Those are some of the things that are owning our days right now. So yes, my house is messy and not so clean as I prefer it to be, but I have 6 jars of delicious strawberry jam all in a row on my counter and memories made with my darling daughters. 

Continuing to practice letting go... of what matters less. And embracing what matters most. Good, better, best. This doesn't come naturally to me. And maybe I was close to tears last night feeling like I'm not accomplishing anythings. But when I step back and take note of all these little things I'm doing, I need to pause and give myself a pat on the back. I'm doing alright. 

My big girls are at Vacation Bible School (they love it!) this week in the mornings, which gives me some one on one time with Maeve that I don't usually get. Today we went to the park. Maeve is so stinking cute. I really, really love her and I'm so glad she's a part of the family! I'm going to prioritize more time with my baby like this. I love this age that she's at. 

This girl is so sweet and beautiful. Lots of love for my Maeve. 

Conor is a really great Father and we had a fun day celebrating him. For our family, celebrations are all about food. Eggs Benedict for breakfast. I made french dip sandwiches for a late lunch. And we rode our bikes to church because that's what Conor likes! Man, I married a good one!

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