Here are some pictures of Maeve in a little romper that used to be Conor's. So cute! Those fat thighs are everything!

Holly and Greta had their last day of school last week. It's my belief that as soon as children begin elementary school, time accelerates. Another year done! They had a great year! We're looking forward to our summer schedule and more family time. Maeve is happy her sisters are home so much. 

My Maeve is a whole half a year old! To be honest, there has been some pretty big tears from me leading up to this day! I would really appreciate time slowing down please! Some things you should know about my Maeve:

  • Maeve can roll tummy to back and her sisters say they've seen her roll back to tummy but I have yet to witness it
  • Maeve is getting really strong - she's starting to sit up!
  • We will be starting solids here soon :(
  • Maeve weighs 13 lb, 10.5 oz (still 5-10 percentile)
  • Maeve is getting better at navigating her thumb into her mouth

Just a bundle of pictures from May. Enjoy!

Some Sunday pictures of my favorite girls!

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