Greta has now lost 6 teeth total but these pictures are from when she lost her fifth tooth. She looks like a cute jack-o-lantern right now!

Three days after we got home from our Memorial Camping trip, we headed back out to Lionhead campground on Priest Lake. We arrived at 8:30pm and set up our tent in the rain. Later in the night, the rain came down HARD and good news, our tent did great! We had a really fun weekend. The weather was cooler, but that didn’t stop our girls from getting wet! We made friends with our neighbors and they took us for a boat ride to upper Priest Lake. They were the kindest couple! We had a great time and came home exhausted. We are kicking summer off right!

We went on our first camping trip of the season over the Memorial Day weekend with friends at Priest Lake, Idaho. It was one of the funnest weekends ever! We boated over to Teachers Bay and had the beach all to ourselves. The kids caught frogs and played in the kayaks. The weather was gorgeous. Maeve was a total champ and the best little sleeper. Later in the weekend, Conor fulfilled one of his dreams and set up a slackline over water. It was a magical weekend.

I find an immense amount of joy in mothering, especially since Maeve was born. She has brought something really special into my home and into my heart. We all adore her and dote on her. 

Last Sunday, we had a few moments to snap some photos before church. I made all three dresses my daughters are wearing! Kind of a big deal, since time is something I don't have a ton of right now! Holly's dress is extra special. It's from a pattern that my mom used to make a dress for my eighth birthday. I loved that dress! It was blue and white stripes. My mom still had the pattern and when she offered it to me, I snatched it up. Holly loves her dress! 

I love these sweet girls and I love the man I made my babies with!

Maeve-shake is 5 months old! I can't believe it! 

What you should know about Maeve this month: 

  • Maeve still hasn't taken a bottle or pacifier and hasn't been offered either in a long time
  • She has no interest in rolling or getting herself places because...
  • She's not very interested in toys
  • Although, she likes to lay under her jungle gym and pretend she's sucking on it
  • She's chubby and delicious
  • Laughs and smiles so easily
  • She's the LOUDEST talker
  • Sleeps really well, except lately she's been waking early 

Maeve is a favorite in our family and we all can't get enough of her. She is nothing but joy and happiness! Some of our friends asked me if I'm happier since she was born because they observed that I am happier. Absolutely. I live a fuller life because Maeve is in it!

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