This baby is just so cute! We love everything about her especially her laughs and smiles. She's kind of starting to play with toys but not really. She just hasn't figured those hands out yet. It's kind of funny. She brings us SO MUCH JOY! Sometimes I think of all the things I wish I was getting done or learning right now. I'm trying to pursue some of those, but it's all pretty moderated because the baby and the older girls take up a lot of my time. It's such a short season and so worthwhile!

This past Easter weekend was a bit of a blur! A little crazy with soccer games and Easter egg hunts, Easter dinner and the delight of friends! It was a weekend with highs and lows (thanks hormones!). The girls and I dyed eggs - nothing fancy, just from a kit. Every year, we make the girls a scavenger hunt with a little prize at the end. They've gotten so good at it! Next year I think the hints will need to be riddles, not pictures. I'm so excited to put together a little baby Easter basket next year! I already know a couple books that I want to put in it... it's going to be hard to not go over the top with Maeve. But you know, Maeve! We do try to keep Easter small (mechanical pencils for the win this year!). No Easter bunny and we try to avoid secular Easter activities on Sunday. I didn't make the girls Easter dresses this year. I am currently working on spring dresses for them... but haven't finished them. You know, Maeve! I did make Holly and Greta little headbands. Greta has worn hers every day since!

These three girls. It's all bliss with Maeve. Everything she does is adorable, even her blow outs. Maeve took some big girl baths this week and we all adored it. Holly and Greta love their sister so much! And Maeve feels similarly. She loves smiling and laughing at her sisters. This past week, I brought out all our baby board books. Holly and Greta have loved reading the books to Maeve. Maeve will be so well read! It's so great to have such a small person bring so much big love into our home.

Maeve sleeps in Conor and my bedroom and has since day one. She sleeps in this little half-size crib that belongs to Conor's parents. It's the perfect size and fits just right in our room. I'll be so sad when she outgrows it. I don't think she'll outgrow it anytime soon since she has zero interest in being mobile. But still, it'll be a sad day. I love this wee baby in her wee crib so much.

I couldn't stand having Holly sleep in our room when she was a baby - too many baby noises! Greta stopped night sleeping in our room at about 5 months. I think I'll keep Maeve in here for a good long time. I love knowing that she's close by. The evolution of my motherhood is very interesting to me. But you know, Maeve. She's just so wonderful.

P.S. She doesn't sleep with her stuffed donkey.

My darling Maeve is 4 months old! Some things you should know about Maeve:

  • Maeve loves to have a fist in her mouth, she's constantly chewing on her hands. Teething perhaps?
  • This past month she discovered her lips and loves to suck them in, etc
  • She also discovered her right ear and the hair that surrounds it
  • Her laugh is amazing
  • Maeve's talking is a vibration in the back of her throat. It's adorable and sometimes she's very loud!
  • Maeve loves her sisters to the moon and back
  • She makes our world go around!
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