One thing I made this month was a horse dress for Holly. She hovered over me, waiting not-so-patiently for me to be finished. Since I finished it, she's worn it a ton! I love this stage that Holly's in. She loves the things I sew for her, really expresses appreciation and proudly boasts to whomever she sees telling them, "my Mom made this dress for me." It's really cute, and it's a lot of fun to sew for her!

The dress is a modified bubble dress from Oliver + S. I lengthened the skirt by quite a bit and added around 10 inches to the skirt width. The fabric is Wee Wander from Sarah Jane Studios. I'm in love with all the fabric from this line. It's incredible, imaginative, vibrant and so perfect for childhood. I'm definitely buying more to make more dresses for my daughters.

I'm so grateful this dress is such a win. I love it on Holly. I love Holly. She's such a wonderful child.

(I made Greta a horse dress too. We'll see if I can convince/bribe her to wear it and snap some pictures. My children come by their stubbornness honestly...)

Greta was sick this last week. She's doing better now, but she spent about 5 days feverish and tired and a little bit miserable. While sick, her three favorite things really made themselves clear. First, bunny. Always bunny. Second, her blue blanket. She likes her blue blanket, but this last week, it went to a whole new level. The blanket goes everywhere with her! And third, her Daddy. Greta transformed into the biggest Daddy's girl. She wants to be near him all the time. If he wasn't home when she woke up in the morning, Greta would cry big tears. I don't blame the girl. He's a pretty great guy.

Greta's birthday dress (and a dress I made for Holly from the same pattern) was such a big hit that I made the girls each one more. I used the Sally dress pattern and Tamara Kate "Flight Patterns" fabric. I love that this pattern has no buttons, no zippers, no closures. It comes together fairly quickly and it's easy for the girls to slip on. They both love the big pockets! I love the pink on Holly, but for whatever reason, I really prefer anything but pink on Greta. She's more of a red, green and yellow girl to me, so it's very rare that I make up anything pink for her. These yellow butterflies are just right for Greta in my opinion. I love sewing for my daughters - I wish I had more time for it. Whenever I'm working on something for them, they're always anxious for me to finish. I'm looking forward to summer sewing!

This past weekend was chilly, but we still made it out to Half Moon Bay for some beach time. There were a ton of dogs and the girls played with and petted almost every single one! It was pretty much heaven for them. The beach was covered in these gorgeous blue shells. I couldn't help but fill a pocket full of them - I haven't seen shells like that at any other beach. We had a lovely time and were surprised at how quickly the afternoon passed. I love where we live! There's always new things to discover!

Matching dresses are so much fun! And these sisters are such a wonderful pair. Thank you Nana!

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