After visiting the Spheres, we picked up Cuban food and ate it at the Ballard Locks. It was really interesting to see the sockeye salmon and learn how they pass from the ocean to freshwater. There's just something about large bodies of water that is so peaceful to me.

As you can see from the pictures, we kept the babies out late. By this point in our travels, they were pretty done. So we made the decision to head home one day early. Traveling with little ones is a challenge but I'm really glad we still get to do stuff even if it's at half speed.

On our way home from Victoria, we stopped in Seattle for a couple nights and stayed with friends. One evening, we toured the Amazon Spheres and walked through Downtown to a rooftop view. The Amazon Spheres were really unique and cool. We had to go in two groups which was okay because there was a bubble machine to play in while we waited! Living in a small city, it's a lot of fun to visit big cities!

Our last activity in Victoria was fish and chips and fancy ice cream. Yum!

While our big girls were out doing big girls things with their cousin, Lola, Conor and I took the littles to the breakwater and Dallas beach. The boats and harbor planes were a big hit!

This was a sweet little outing. I took my daughters to afternoon tea with Allison and Quinn. It was definitely something out of the ordinary and fun to do before Holly and Greta outgrow this sort of activity. After our tea, we toured the gardens and then did a little bit of watercolor with Auntie Allison.

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