Just some photos of us hanging around outdoors. Conor and I had an exchange about how wonderful the relaxed vibe is. That no one is hurrying and everyone is just there. We left Holly and Greta in Yahk with my parents for the rest of the week and they had a great time! Loving my children is my love language.

We spent a short weekend out in BC with my parents. We met them at Kootney Lake on a Saturday morning. The weather was a little touch and go with thunder in the distance, but the sun pulled through for us! Enoch and Ira were very unsettled by the loose sand, however, by the end of our time at the beach, Ira was on his tummy playing in it! This little spot on the lake is so pretty! After a couple summers of no Yahk time, we really liked being out there!

Holly's birthday party was delightful. She wanted Texas sheet cake and a water balloon fight. Check, check! Almost all her friends were able to come (a summer miracle!) and the couple who couldn't had her over for lunch which was so thoughtful. I'm so grateful that Holly has the friends she has. They're great. Holly herself is a very loyal and kind friend and I'm proud of the girl she is!

My sweet baby girl is a teenager! What on earth?! Holly is such an easy to please, easy going kiddo and I'm so glad she's in my family. She's a real sweetheart and her friends refer to her as their "friend mom," because that oldest kiddo gig plays out into her relationships with her friends. We gave Holly and cozy sweater and a couple of graphic novels she had asked for. We went for a family bike ride, ate cake and just generally enjoyed the day! Happy birthday darling girl!

My garden is disproportionately flowers over vegetables and sometimes I feel a little guilty, but then my girls make bouquets and I get to see their creativity and connection with things that grow. It was really fun to see a bouquet in a vase a made too.

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