I'm so proud of my girl, Holly, for really getting involved with school sports this year! She loved it! This past week was her last Track and Field Meet and Holly threw javelin and ran 400m. She's steadily improved and grown throughout the season. And I've proved to myself that I can be the mom with 3 small children in the rain and still doing it! Holly had 3 practices a week, 1 meet a week, and one of the practices started at 7am. She worked really hard!

Would somebody please convince my boys to wear ball caps this summer? They are so cute in hats! Look at Ira in his diaper and hat. What a man!

And then check him out eating from a dumped pile of cheerios, so innocent!

This little guy is so joyful. Lately, I've had him snuggle with me when he wakes up from a nap every now and then. I love when he rolls into me, sucks his thumb, and lays content close to me. I love Ira!

Hey Maeve and E, let's recreate this picture of you both with the goats in 20 years okay?

I'm solidly in the phase of children where the boys are almost always blurry in photos. It would be so nice if they'd pause for half a second longer, but that's not where they're at right now! And I still love their blurry smiles!

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