The water table has been a huge hit, especially for a certain little one year old who loves to splash in the toilet every chance he gets! We love spending time out front in our yard space. Maeve has a new little fairy garden and we're just full send on the "kids live here" vibe.

Baby sized scoops of vanilla ice cream and time with grandparents. It's the little things in life that sometimes feel like the big ones!

Our Memorial Day trip was to the Tri-Cities to visit some of our oldest friends. The kids all get along so well! My girls are eager to get back there and Maeve floated the idea that we move in with them... Haha! It was a fun weekend of pickle ball, yummy food, movies, video games, hot tub and ticket to ride + late nights and good conversation. Cheers to forever friends!

It's May and I had hoped that the weather would be reasonable for Enoch's birthday party, but no luck! Instead of sunshine, it rained buckets. I had originally planned to have E's party outside at a park (taking the easy route!), but at the last minute we moved the party into the house. It was really fun to gather with family and friends to celebrate Enoch's second birthday! Enoch usually loves to sing happy birthday and blow out candles, but he had some stage fright on his birthday. No worries, Maeve was more than happy to step up and blow out his candles for him.

Oh my heart, my little man, Enoch, is two years old! And oh how I love him! Enoch is an amazing child. He's so intelligent and he's a hard worker. He loves his siblings, especially Ira. Enoch loves Conor and I, although if Dad isn't working, that's who Enoch wants! Every afternoon, Enoch walks laughing through the dining room to Conor's office. He knows how much we delight in him! Enoch is crazy about trucks! Conor cut his hair the night before his birthday and came up with a great idea to keep him still. Enoch doesn't watch tv or shows, but Conor put a compilation of videos of trucks on for Enoch and he was so into it! Easiest haircut ever! I love the feeling of Enoch's arms draped across my shoulders and his body relaxed into me. Enoch really likes books and my heart bursts every time he backs his little booty onto my lap. One day last week, Enoch was looking for his truck book. He had just had it 30 minutes sooner and I couldn't find it! Later, when I opened the fridge it fell onto the floor!

We gave Enoch a water table for his birthday and the kids loved playing with it without water. I think he's going to like it even more when it has water in it. I also gave him two board books, each individually wrapped. He held one for himself and offered Ira the second. This is just a small example of what kind of heart Enoch has. I love my boy with all my heart!

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