That yearly tradition! Although this year, I made the pancakes on Wednesday which really through my kids for a loop! That was an adjustment. I didn't want to add that into Thursday morning turkey trot and meal prep, which was smart because I ended up with a sinus infection.

My baby girl is missing her top two front teeth and I'm having all the feels! Maeve's bottom 4 were pulled out at the dentist so this was her first experience with wiggly teeth and it's been fun! I ended up pulling out both of those top two about a week or so apart. I always get really sad when those baby teeth start coming out because children's smiles and looks change so drastically! Maeve is an odd duck and does not want to put her teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy. She's saving them thank you very much!

Yup, we're that kind of pet parents.

Okay, check out these cuties! This year, Ira and Enoch were firefighters. They love wearing the firefighter dress up at the children's museum so hopefully this is a costume that gives us some future play time too! They were SO cute! I'm thinking of taking photos of Ira in his firefighter costume every month and making a calendar. If Enoch enjoyed his more, I'd do that for him too, but he's picky about his clothing and taking these photos required a bribe.

Maeve was Alice in Wonderland and Holly was the White Rabbit. Holly loves to craft up portions of her costumes. It's great!

Greta, sadly, went trick or treating with her friends. She was "Thing 2" and we missed her. Hopefully I'll get to snap some pics of her but now she's in volleyball season.

Oh Halloween. Weirdest holiday ever. What do we do with all the candy???

Spokane is big into running and cross country and I love it. This was Maeve's first season and she had a good time! Her age group's time trials were at their home school, not at a meet like the bigger kids. It was so much fun to go watch her run and cheer her on. Her perspective is a little different because she has older siblings who have done cross country and Greta has made it into the final all-city race every year. Maeve didn't make it to all-city, but she did run with heart!

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