What a treat it was to plan this weekend with our big girls (The Core Four) in Winthrop. We stayed in a teeny tiny cabin. Our main event was hiking the Maple Loop Pass. It's 8.5 miles and a 2000' elevation gain. It took us about 4.5 hours. There were some cold and wet moments, but the views were amazing the entire time! I loved doing this hike and I'm so proud of my girls. The larches were gorgeous. I was amazed at the green, bright yellow and grey color combinations. How can I make that into pottery?? 10/10 recommend this hike.

We also mountain biked a bit. Greta requested that our next trip have zero trails.

We made it to school time folks! This year we have a freshman, a 7th grader, a first grader and two preschoolers! The boys started at a morning program 4 days a week and I was not prepared for how much Enoch would love it. He loves his backpack, he loves going to preschool, he loves playing with the trucks at the preschool. It is so sweet! Ira and Enoch go to the same place (for now, Enoch will be switching to public school preschool in a week, but he'll still go one day with Ira).

Maeve is happy to be back at school with the same teacher and classmates as last year. She's pretty much unfazed by returning to school and she loves walking to and from school with our neighbors.

My older two are definitely feeling the pressures of their higher grade levels and new schools. I'm hoping that by October they'll feel a little more adjusted.

And me? I've had a productive couple of weeks working on my ceramics business. I feel much less stressed and I really enjoy the time I spend with my kids. This has been a great change of pace for everyone!

We haven't visited green bluff in so long! Let's flashback to when Enoch was new to our family and we went strawberry picking. And now he's telling me how strong he is as he pulls the wagon! I just took one picture, but we had a great time picking cherry tomatoes, apples and grapes.

Trying to make the most of these last days of summer while also feeling burned out AF.

Also, hottest dad dog ever to exist.

We are so lucky! We attended a beautiful, simple wedding for our friends José and Iraima. They've been apart for a year and then finally our sponsorship of Iraima and her daughter Osmeira was approved! They flew in, I took video of an airport proposal (!) and a few days later we were attending the wedding. Here's to enduring true love!

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