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All my brown-eyed boy wanted for his birthday was a big, red fire truck. He was thrilled and so were his siblings. What a joy Enoch is. I just love when he sits on my lap to read a book and his little ear is against my cheek. Every time he calls me, "mom," my heart catches. I love being his mother.

We celebrated his birthday with lots of things! Waffles for breakfast, treats for his class, lunch in a train car with grandpa and finally cake with friends. What a guy!

These boys love their processed carbs!

Just eating ice cream under the table, no big deal. These two are a naughty combo!

We haven't visited green bluff in so long! Let's flashback to when Enoch was new to our family and we went strawberry picking. And now he's telling me how strong he is as he pulls the wagon! I just took one picture, but we had a great time picking cherry tomatoes, apples and grapes.

The very best of looks.

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